Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

sweet 16 ceremony

Your Wedding Ceremony (Redux) - Renew Your Wedding Vows

I read an article about the marriage a long time that suggest we should renew our promise every two or three years. He based that claim on the notion that our marriage is changing so much every few years which will help to have a new marriage promise.

I completely agree with the first part of that statement (Do I look crazy to you I celebrate the marriage for life -? Of course I agree with him!). Marital make changes. This is very helpful for the longevity of marriage to rededicate ourselves to each other and relationships. But I believe that if you are well-made vows in the first place, you do not need a new oath, you need to reassess what marriage promise you made before the intention now and if or how that is different than when you make them last. When you get clear, gather your friends together, ask them to be witnesses as you can tell each other how you will continue to love each other in the time ahead, and then throw a party! (I think my friends who are always an important part of wedding ceremonies!)

Your wedding is very valuable and necessary work to maintain it at the heart of your life. It can be easy to take it for granted when life is rolling smoothly. Do not pay attention to your marriage is dangerous, but, because the basis of your marriage can weaken the foundation of the house like you do not if you do not follow after that. (And it really works on your wedding should be a lot more fun:.! That means occurred on, is really talking to each other about what's important in your life and share your life in the workplace This also means listening It also means celebrates the physical and emotional intimacy ... how fun is that) repeat your marriage? vows to shore up the basics of your life.

You do not have to renew my vows just for show. This should be carefully thought through as every wedding ceremony. You must know why you acknowledge your willingness to recommit to your marriage. When was the support from repeating yo
ur wedding vows or have another wedding ceremony important?

o When life just crashing together.

o When gratitude for the love and luck to beat you.

o When something wonderful happens that will change your life journey. (Even good change can strain any relationship work smoothly).

o When the family has been confusion or problems, or will face a big obstacle, such as illness, injury or death. In the event of job loss or change in t
he ability of one spouse to participate in the relationship. It is a coral shelf, it could so easily turn away from your partner when life is hard, if you protect your spouse or believe that he can not understand how you feel about the situation. Here's the amazing thing about the wedding, couples usually we understand far more than we are sometimes willing to give them credit for!

o When all of a sudden return to the two of you and you alone again: re-emphasize your coupleness when the emphasis was on family.

o When there is distance between you. Have you been struggling or just not connecting, rededicating your wedding is important. Before you know what you want to do to dedicate back, however, give your marriage, yourself and loved ones of good manners to do counseling together. Nothing is worth more than a sweet love your spouse.
(Get a tune up, you fix your car when there is a problem, right?)

So, consider your marriage to give proper support and make it easier for you both to continue to live together in love, happy and healthy, foreve

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